Monday, May 4, 2009

All that I want to be but am not

I wish I had superpowers. Wouldn’t that be cool?

I wish I could fly into the skies... or join a legion of galaxy defenders... or stop moving trains at a ba-zillion miles per second... or even just simply wage a war against evil. But no I’m just a mere mortal that’s not facing 'life' or 'death' challenges but rather 'school' and 'reality' challenges.

If I did have superpowers though, then I would've won every game of soccer of badminton in high school. Whenever people had something 'cool' to talk about and then asked me if I did anything 'cool' I could've lifted up a two tonne truck easy and asked ‘cool, hey?’ If I did have superpowers than I wouldn’t have had to go through that mortal and pre-pubescent teen phase of low self-esteem and identity crisis. My powers could’ve defined who I was and my purpose in life. But no...I don’t have superpowers.

No...I didn’t walk into a pool of chemical sludge... no I'm not seeking revenge and justice for the deaths of my I was not the last survivor of a distant planet thats come to Earth to defend it...and no I didn’t come from another dimension. Instead I just spent $36 on a 'Batman' comic and an epic graphic novel about all the DC Comic characters converging in a multi-universe battle against uniting evil. Its pretty epic. The battle will forever be remembered in printed glossy glory.

I would like to think of myself as the figure head for justice. A someone who inspires and lifts up the hopes of all the fallen and the disenfranchised few and so on...but I'm not. I just want to rule the world or maybe save one day of the whole freaking year, but I probably won't. Maybe I'm just a mild mannered Earthling with a craving 'Alter Ego' but I've always been told to set high goals for myself. In the case of blogging and expressing my 'humble' point of view, I think this is as high a goal as it gets for me. To save the world, is that even too much to ask for?

I like this little short film because it depicts a couple who seems to have reached a plateau in their lives. To add a bit of excitement and hype they decide to spice up their love life, but things take a turn when they get tossed into a quirky situation. What I got out of the film is that even for just a single moment in time, it is important to find a reason why should feel good and accepting of oneself. Whether it is what you do or what've done.

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